Friday, September 28, 2012

Karl Grossman: The Affable, Consensus-Seeking Bill Lindsay ...

Bill Lindsay, the affable, consensus-seeking presiding officer of the Suffolk County Legislature since 2006, is a victim of occupational exposure to asbestos.? It happened not during his government service but in his prior work as an electrician and as an official of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers inspecting job sites at which fellow electricians suspected they were being exposed to asbestos.

At the start of this year, Lindsay was diagnosed with mesothelioma, a form of lung cancer caused by asbestos. This came shortly after he was unanimously re-elected to a seventh term as the legislature?s presiding officer, after county executive the Number 2 position in Suffolk County government.

Lindsay was an electrician for 15 years and for 23 years business agent and business manager of Local 25 of the IBEW, which covers electricians in Nassau and Suffolk Counties.? In working as an electrician, ?a lot of the time? he recounted last week, he had to ?scrape off the asbestos fireproofing? from beams before attaching electrical conduits to them. ?You ended up breathing in asbestos.?

And although ?asbestos was outlawed in 1972,? he noted, there were still large amounts of it in existing structures. As an IBEW official he would regularly go to where ?my members? were concerned about being exposed to asbestos. ?I implemented a program for my members in which a sample of the fireproofing would be sent to a laboratory for examination.?? This was needed because ?a lot of landlords lied about asbestos??claimed it didn?t exist in their buildings. The tests presented the proof.

But, in going repeatedly to the scenes of likely asbestos contamination, Lindsay was exposed, too, in addition to his exposure when he worked as an electrician. Of mesothelioma, he noted, ?You only get it from asbestos.?

Indeed, the website opens under the heading ?Mesothelioma?The Cancer Caused by Asbestos,? with information on the connection including a 2010 National Academy of Sciences study. ?Asbestos is a known carcinogen and is proven to cause mesothelioma,? it states. ?Often called ?asbestos cancer,? mesothelioma is highly aggressive and is resistant to many standard cancer treatments.?

?The good news,? said Lindsay last week, ?is that on August 11 the doctor told me I was cancer-free. The bad news is that they took out my lung.?

His remaining lung has ?really picked up functionality and is operating at 94 percent,? he said. He?s generally ?feeling good?It depends on the day.? ?Lindsay will be 66 in November. He plans to continue on the legislature through the end of next year when its term-limit of six two-year terms kicks in for him. He then intends to retire. If there is a medical downturn before that, ?I would retire immediately.?

Lindsay, a Holbrook Democrat, has been popular with his peers as presiding officer. His approach as the legislature?s leader, he explained, has been to ?have a personal relationship with every legislator and work together to make a better government.?

What Lindsay has been hit with is mirrored in the millions of people similarly struck by cancer. The World Health Organization determined in 2010 that cancer had become the world?s leading cause of death, overtaking heart disease. Why the cancer epidemic? Report after report attributes it mainly to the toxic substances in the water we drink, the food we eat, the consumer products we use, the air we breathe. As the President?s Cancer Panel stated in a 2010 report, ?Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk: What We Can Do Now,? we are ?bombarded continually with myriad combinations of these dangerous exposures.? ?It urged President Obama ?most strongly to use the power of your office to remove the carcinogens and other toxins from our food, water, and air that needlessly increase health care costs, cripple our nation?s productivity, and devastate American lives.? It emphasized that there are safe ?alternatives? to cancer-causing agents.

The U.S. government has generally failed to act because of the power of those poisoning people. I wrote a book on this in 1982, ?The Poison Conspiracy.? Asbestos, for example, was known as a carcinogen as far back as 1929 and nothing was done?and safe alternatives were always available. As to the corporations responsible, consider Johns Manville, the global giant in manufacturing asbestos products. In 1982, faced with thousands of asbestos injury lawsuits, it declared bankruptcy.


Karl Grossman has covered Long Island politics for over 50 years.


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ex-Goldman programmer rejects plea deal with NY: lawyer

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Former Goldman Sachs computer programmer Sergey Aleynikov (L) smiles as he exits Manhattan Criminal Court with his lawyer Kevin Marino (2nd L) in New York, August 9, 2012. 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Are Fat Men More Trustworthy?

Photo illustration of Mitt Romney as an obese man.

Photo illustration by Natalie Matthews-Ramo. Photograph of Romney by Nicholas Kamm/AFP/GettyImages. Photograph of large man by Pavel Losevsky/iStockphoto.

Julius Caesar was a chubby-chaser. If Will Shakespeare is to be believed, he would stride about the Forum making his predilections known to all and sundry:

Let me have men about me that are fat,
Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep o' nights.

While fat was where it was at for old Jules, when it came to skinny dudes, he was positively discriminatory:

Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look;
He thinks too much; such men are dangerous.

Back in the day, heft was associated with gravitas and power, leadership, and trust. Fat blokes, by their very physiques, projected monumental indestructability. Even when they were rotting with syphilis (Henry VIII) or prone to decapitating their spouses (Henry VIII, again) they were somehow preferable to those malevolent skinny fellows (Richard III). Obese monarchs and porky politicos loomed large on any podium or battlefield, and one imagines that when they delivered speeches their words boomed and reverberated to tremendous effect. Enough to make your jewelry rattle.

It?s hard to imagine a scrawny geezer having the same kind of impact. Imagine if Winston Churchill, instead of looking like Falstaff, were to have resembled Igor Stravinsky, or a Giacometti sculpture. I cannot help feeling his we-will-fight-on-the-beaches addresses to the nation would have been much less comforting.

Today?s landscape is different. Great fat men are thin on the ground. This represents something of a paradox. Obesity rates among the masses are soaring, but there are far fewer rotund bold-facers than there used to be. This is especially true in the world of entertainment. Yes we have Philip Seymour Hoffman?is he fat or just ?husky???and the incredible James Gandolfini, but that?s about it. Some celebs like Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill debuted as fat and then sneakily lost the weight in order to get more roles.

Back when there were fewer overweight people around, being fat was a vaudevillian novelty. Heavyweights like W.C. Fields and Fatty Arbuckle were seen as special and, yes, as a barrel of laughs. As the century progressed, the entertainment industry became jammed-to-bursting with unapologetic tubsters, Hitchcock and Orson Welles among them. The list is a large one: Robert Morley, James Robertson Justice, Stubby Kaye, Rod Steiger, late Brando, y mas.

Here are my top five massively memorable movie moments from the golden age of galloping gourmands:

1. My all-time favorite silver-screen chubster is Sydney Greenstreet of Casablanca fame. No actor today could hold a candle to big Syd, and certainly none are as fat. In addition to being a great character actor, Mr. Greenstreet created a whole new genre: the extremely evil fat man. As the aptly named Mr. Gutman in The Maltese Falcon, he manages to be even more disturbing than Joel Cairo, the perfumed poseur played by Peter Lorre, and was deservedly nominated for an Academy Award for his efforts. The best scene is shot from in under Gutman?s gut:

2. The fabulously fat Syd occupies two of my picks. As Sheriff Titus Semple in Flamingo Road he sets about destroying honky-tonk-gal-made-good Lane Bellamy, played by Joan Crawford. She expresses her gratitude by?there?s no other way to describe it?slapping the shit out of him.


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USA Harvest founder charged with looting charity

The founder of charity group USA Harvest, which has ties to celebrities Scarlett Johansson, Hillary Duff, the Goo Goo Dolls and Green Day has been charged by the Justice Department with stealing more than $553,000 from the organization.

Hugh "Stan" Curtis, the founder of USA Harvest, has been charged by the US Attorney's Office in Kentucky with mail fraud, money laundering and filing false income tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service.

Curtis allegedly stole over $180,000 between September 2005 and September 2007 of donations that he solicited on behalf of the organization-a tax-exempt charity. The theft included some large donations meant for the USA Harvest. According to the criminal charges Curtis allegedly deposited checks into his bank account for the charity that included a $20,000 and a $25,000 check from donors.

The charity provides food and meals for individuals in need by partnering with restaurants, hospitals to get leftover food to soup kitchens and food banks. According to the USA Harvest website, which highlights their ties with celebrities such as Johansson, the charity works with 5,400 agencies to provide food and notes that they have provided over 437 billion pounds of food to organizations since their founding in 1989.

The criminal charges filed by the Justice Department allege that Curtis failed to pay taxes on approximately $553,891.67 in personal income which included $183,000 in donations and over $370,000 in personal travel expenses that he billed to the charity.

According to a press release from the US Attorney's Office in Western Kentucky, "None of the charities Curtis has been associated with - USA Harvest, Kentucky Harvest, and Blessings In A Backpack - have been accused of any wrongdoing or impropriety. The only charitable organization to have suffered any loss as a result of the conduct charged in the information was USA Harvest."

A request for comment from USA Harvest by ABC News has not been returned. A review of the court docket did not reveal a defense attorney for Curtis. If convicted of the charges Curtis could face a maximum of 52 years in prison.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Nintendo announces 23 games launching with Wii U console in ...

By: Gillian Shaw

VANCOUVER ? It?s going to be games galore November 18 when Nintendo unveils 23 games, marking the launch of its new Wii U game console with its biggest launch-day game release ever.

The high definition Wii U, which is available for pre-order now, starting at $300 for the basic 8GB system in white, is the successor to Nintendo?s popular Wii console. A Deluxe Set, which comes in black, has 32GB storage, more accessories and is bundled with Nintendo Land, has a $350 price tag. Both come with a touch-screen Wii U GamePad controller.

?We?re making sure that Wii U owners will have great games to play from the moment they open the box, and that a steady stream of fun new games is always on the way,? Ron Bertram, Nintendo of Canada?s vice-president and general manager, said in a release. ?We have something for everyone, from new franchises to creative new approaches to familiar favourites.?

Wii U players can connect to the Internet to access Nintendo?s eShop to buy games and download them directly onto their game consoles and they can join Miiverse, an online gaming community.

In Canada and the United States, Nintendo TVii lets users control their television and other entertainment devices using the consoles GamePad controller.

Nintendo is promising another 29 game titles will be released for the new Nintendo Wii U before March.

Here?s is Nintendo?s list for the 23 games to be released on the November 18 launch date:

1. Call of Duty: Black Ops II

2. Skylanders Giants


4. Wipeout 3

5. Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two

6. EA SPORTS FIFA Soccer 13


8. New Super Mario Bros. U

9. NINJA GAIDEN 3: Razor?s Edge

10. Nintendo Land


12. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed


14. Darksiders II

15. Assassin?s Creed III

16. ESPN Sports Connection

17. Just Dance 4

18. Rabbids Land

19. Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013

20. ZombiU

21. Scribblenauts Unlimited

22. Game Party Champions

23. Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition


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Stressful at the top? Not really, study finds

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Stressful at the top? Not really, study finds
Harvard researchers find leaders in business, politics and the military report lower anxiety levels than others. The key to their serenity is control.Management consultants say 60% of senior executives experience high stress and anxiety on a regular basis, and a thriving industry of motivational speakers teaches business leaders how to manage their corrosive burden of stress. But just how uneasy lies the head that wears the crown?

Source: L.A. Times
Posted on: Tuesday, Sep 25, 2012, 7:49am
Views: 7


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Posts from Shopping-and-Product-Reviews:Fashion-Style Articles ...

You Can Now Buy Cheap Wholesale Clothing Online

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 05:16 pm

Back in the days, designer clothing was only left to people living in the same country as the manufacturers and people who travelled to the country where the manufacturer was located. Long gone are those days when one could not dress fashionably just because they did not reside in the same country as the makers of these designer clothes. With the internet you can buy clothes been made in any part of the world without travelling to the manufacturers' physical locations.
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How To Wear Footless Tights In The Winter

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 04:57 pm

A great explanation of how footless tights can be worn in both the winter months as well as in the summer. A handful of suggestions on how to re-work your summer wardrobe to fit in with winter.
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Embroidered Patches - The Best Way to Display Your Logo

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 03:47 pm

Going back to the Asian civilization, one will agree that embroidered patches have been recognized in those times. Though in earlier years these patches were used extensively, the importance of it was not recognized. But now in recent years the real purpose of using embroidered patches has dawned on people and they have started using it on their clothing.
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Mens Basic Fashion Guidelines And Must Haves

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 01:51 pm

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The Essential Female Fashion Items

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 01:46 pm

With the seasons changing regularly, this often dictates the current trends and fashion styles. For example just recently all retailers and fashion designers are focusing on new Autumn/Winter ranges. With the summer and spring months long gone and the temperature dropping, including the trees changing colour, new outfits and accessories are required to keep up to date with not only current trends but also to keep warm.
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Wearing Halloween Tights to Enhance a Fancy Dress Outfit

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 01:34 pm

Halloween is one of those times of year when you can just go wild with your wardrobe. Wearing a fantastic Halloween outfit can be further enhanced with the use of some appropriate Halloween tights. Utilising the right pair of themed tights for the costume you are wearing can really add the finishing touch to the perfect outfit. Or add a touch of pizazz to an understated costume.
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The Hottest Urban Fashion Trends

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 12:53 pm

Urban street fashion updates itself constantly and there is something available for everybody. Here are few of the most popular and the hottest urban fashion trends.
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How to Stay Fashionable on a Budget

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 12:41 pm

Anyone who loves fashion and good spending spree is bound to be aware of the fact that keeping up with the latest styles from the catwalks of Milan and London can be extremely expensive. At the end of the month, thousands of fashionistas often find themselves with overflowing wardrobes and drawers but empty bank accounts. But still, the idea of buying less and not looking ultra fashionable doesn't even bear thinking about for many people. Thankfully for them, there are a few ways to look amazing without completely clearing out your bank account.
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The Comfiest Boots in the World

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 12:31 pm

With our capricious weather patterns in Great Britain, it is often easy to know exactly what to wear and when on your feet in particular months. In the depths of January, for example, you are unlikely to be sporting a pair of bright, strappy sandals to go out shopping. Even in the home, with the emphasis on turning the heat down, saving fuel costs and helping the environment, most people will adopt something warmer for their feet than summer flip-flops.
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Dolphin Shorts: Are They Making a Comeback?

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 11:48 am

Dolphin shorts were a popular style in the late 1970s and early 1980s. After finding themselves pushed out of high schools and colleges due to dress code issues they are now making a roaring comeback. Read on to learn more about these simple but stylish exercise shorts.
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How to Choose Comfortable Shoes for Kids

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 11:42 am

Know how to choose the best shoes for your kids. This article gives an insight about the various factors that should be considered while choosing the best shoes for your child.
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Footless Tights For Partywear

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 11:26 am

This article aims to explain how footless tights can be worn for a variety of occasions and not just for casual wear. Although many people think it is an essential to be bare legged on a night out, footless tights provide the perfect and comfortable alternative that can easily be just as glam. It is often thought that tights are an essential core product rather than that of a fashion product.
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Essential Accessories for a Beach Holiday

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 11:08 am

When it comes to beachwear, what are the holiday essentials you simply cannot visit the beach without? There are ways to look glamorous with next to nothing on. This article is a brief guide to the items you need to perfect your look, and maximise the enjoyment of your beach-side adventures.
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Costume Shop or Halloween Store?

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 11:07 am

The answer is spirit gum and crepe hair. What? It's time to rent or buy my Halloween costume or mask and I don't know where to start.
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What Is That Suit You're Wearing?

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 11:06 am

Morphsuits are fast becoming the staple of every stag night and party throughout the country. A full body suit with a fantastically breathable quality, this type of fancy dress really must be tried to be believed.
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Fashion Advice: Do You Need Help Choosing the Perfect Handbag for an Evening Event?

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 11:05 am

Evening events demand much preparation, when planning to look enchantingly beautiful. It is every woman's dream to make a lasting impression, but the outcome is not always appeasing. Quite often, picking the right evening bag to wear comes with much experience and knowledge of how to diversify fashion.
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Find the Right Shoes Without the Expense

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 10:57 am

You can easily find those everyday essentials that are seen in everyone's wardrobe from summer sandals to winter boots and you can find them at a good price. Look for both classic styles and the latest catwalk trends available, in a variety of colours to match different shades of fabric in your outfits and feel like you are floating on air when the price is right. Women's fashion shoes can be obtained inexpensively if you know what you are looking for and focus on what you really want.
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Read About the Uses of Lapel Pins

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 10:57 am

Lapel pins are much cherished ornaments worn by both men and women from time immemorial. Noblemen wore lapels to show their social status. Lapel pins were worn on the left lapel of jackets and was designed with the emblem of the noblemen.
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Bring Back the Whimsy and the Impishness in Kids Clothing

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 10:52 am

Bring back the whimsy and the mischief in kids clothing through casual wear from offbeat apparel designed by parents themselves. Who else knows how children play and what their tastes in clothing would be? Instead of dressing them up like adults, choose comfortable clothing for your kids.
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Finding the Perfect Winter Jacket

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 10:50 am

The inclement weather in Great Britain really necessitates an 'all year round' wardrobe. It seems hardly worthwhile consigning winter outer wear in particular to an upper shelf or cupboard in the hope that by April you won't need it for several months to come.
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A Guide to Choosing Your Kid's Clothing

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 10:34 am

It is important to provide good quality clothes for your kids. As much as you want to cut down on spending, try not to compromise on your children's needs. Here's a guide on how to choose your kid's clothing.
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The Evolution of Swimwear

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 10:27 am

Contrary to popular belief, sources suggest that that the bikini can be traced back to around 4,000 b.c. and has experienced various redesigns that reflect societal attitudes. Read to find out more about the evolution of the swimwear.
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Picking the Right Perfume Without The Headache

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2012 09:54 am

Picking the right perfume can be tough but if you follow these tips you'll find what you love, with-out the headache. Literally! No more sniffing hundreds of perfumes at the store.
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Traits of Innovation Optical Experts

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 05:42 pm

One of the innovation optical options today is reglaze glasses. Reglazing is more difficult to handle than sporting new lenses onto new frames as the reglaze technician must be meticulous and diligent in sizing the frames' shape and size. The old frame must be cleansed and measured accurately before steady hands cut and fit the lenses to the frames.
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Personalized Leather Passport Covers for Those Who Travel in Style

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 05:15 pm

Personalized leather passport covers are great for business professionals who prefer to travel in style. Leather covers will match well with brief cases and any other professional ensemble. Leather passport covers are compact and will fit in the coats and jackets of travelers while on the move.
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Top 5 Kid's Shoes Brands

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 05:13 pm

While buying kids' shoe, one should always look for the best brand, style, and designs. In this piece of information, we will cover some of the most popular footwear brands, here, are the top five kids shoe brands.
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Private Label Organic Skin Care: Take Care Of Your Body

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 05:09 pm

Look at the soap, you use and make sure that it doesn't contain any harmful chemical. If you find synthetics in the soap, you use then switch to private label organic skin care that are safe for your skin and overall health.
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Advantage Of Using Best Organic Skin Care Products

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 05:08 pm

With best organic skin care products, you can keep your face clean, glowing and in perfect shape. There would be no allergy marks on your face and also you would never get pimples or sunburn or dark spots under your eyes.
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Bridal Sarees: How Important Are They In Traditional Indian Weddings?

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 04:31 pm

One of the most important days in a woman's life is her wedding. Once she says yes to a man's marriage proposal and a date has already been set for the wedding, that is when the planning process will start. Out of the 1,001 small and big details that you need to iron out for the wedding, one of the major aspects that you need to think about is what you as a bride are going to wear.
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Transition of the Hip Hop Dress Culture

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 04:30 pm

Hip hop is a youth movement and all of its aspects including music, dressing style, and dance have been taken up by people all around the world. Hip hop clothing is a very popular clothing trend and continues to make its mark on the society.
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Grecian Style Dresses: The New LBD

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 04:17 pm

Grecian dresses can have a contemporary feel whilst simultaneously making a nod towards the ancient world, one beyond the reach of nostalgia or vintage sentiment. Back to a time we can only read about in the history books, it brings a mysticism to your wardrobe, an otherworldliness. You can have a lot of fun with this idea, particularly when it comes to beauty and accessories. Curl your hair loosely and pile in a messy bun, held together with a metallic hairband for an Aphrodite inspired effect. Or wear it down with some loose plaits for a relaxed, bohemian vibe. Go for bags and belts in gold, silver or bronze for a precious take on the trend, elevating you to style goddess status. Also, don't forget the shoes. With grecian dresses it's best to go for sandals, or if it's cooler, some strappy heels. The gladiator trend looks to be coming back, with designers such as Anna Sui and Derek Lam sending them down the runways at Spring and Summer 2013's New York Fashion Week.
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Tips On How To Dress Fashionably On The Cheap

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 04:04 pm

A good way to be able to afford these pieces is to look for outlets that get supplies in bulk. These places often offer lower prices than traditional shops or designer fashion accessory stores. Look for places that offer affordable pieces sold at prices that retailers get them for. A number of outlets can offer cheap earrings, necklaces and bracelets because they buy supplies directly from the manufacturers.
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Hawaiian Shirt Gold Mine!

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 03:34 pm

You may have a gold mine in your closet! Dust off those old Hawaiian Shirts that you inherited or stashed away, some of them may be worth a hundred dollars or more.
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Top Winter Fashion Trends

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 02:57 pm

With summer fashion styles and ranges being the most celebrated out of all the seasons in a year, many people forget that winter and autumn also features great ranges. Many consider dark colours to be the only option throughout the winter period. But many don't realise there is much greater styles and ranges out there this time of year.
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The Basics Of Men's Autumn Fashion

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 02:27 pm

With spring and summer seasons finally coming to an end, combined with the autumn and winter months now well and truly amongst us. Its important to re-think your wardrobe and prepare for the autumn/winter collections. T-shirts and shorts are no longer required and warm clothes such as knit jumpers, leather jackets and jeans now becoming the staple of our clothing choices.
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Tights for Autumn and Winter to Keep Legs Warm and Fashionable

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 02:07 pm

Women these days now have the ability to combine fashion while staying warm during the colder months of Autumn and Winter. The large choice of thicker denser tights available these days in classic styles, as well as more fashionable designs give the modern female an excellent choice in the hosiery to wear. Winter tights aren't just confined to black tights these days. A myriad of colour tights are now available for today's fashion conscious female.
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Christian's Get a Kick Out of Funny Christian Tshirts

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 01:49 pm

Funny Christian tshirts are making their way into every day life for students as well as older adults. Christian tshirts have always been around mostly as a tool for advertisement for an event or a fund raising element for groups attempting to raise money for projects. More and more individuals are turning to purchase funny Christian tshirts as a means to open up dialogue with non-believing friends, relatives or co-workers in a non-threatening environment.
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Vintage Style Dresses: The 1920s Flapper Dress

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 12:27 pm

The allure of the Flapper is the sheer amount of detail they exhibit. Embellished with sequins, tassels and feathers, they reflected the brash, outgoing nature of the new woman. With their sleek bobs, vibrant lipstick and witty conversation, the Flapper Girls ushered in an age of relative independence and rebellion on the part of the fairer sex. No longer confined to the background, these women became the life and soul of the party, dancing and drinking the night away. Who wouldn't want to reference such a fun attitude? Even today the Flapper dress is a symbol of joyful partying, of being different and comfortable with yourself.
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Different Types of Hair Extensions

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 12:18 pm

Hair extensions have become quite popular in the fashion world. It is a way to add more length and thickness to your natural hair. The addition of hair extension will change the overall looks of your natural hair.
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Velvet Is Back!

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 12:18 pm

Many of us associate velvet ensembles with our grandmothers' closets. However, velvet has re-emerged on runways as a prevailing fabric this Fall/Winter season. Designers such as Anna Sui, Alexander Wang, Zac Posen, and Ralph Lauren have all incorporated a little bit of the luxurious fabric in their holiday lines.
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Mesmerizing Style That You Do Not Afford To Miss

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 11:55 am

It is rightly said that trendsetting is an art. Many trendsetters have come and swept away the minds of the audiences by the style statements they leave behind. However, only some trendsetters are charismatic enough to transform into legends. These names resound in our mind when we listen to words like class' and style'. One of the names that are most prominent in this list none other than Harley Davidson. This prestigious name has always fascinated its fans, and its association with anything makes the entity supreme and honorable. The Davidson fever is eternal, and you can find die heart Davidson fans in every nook and corner still.
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Fusing Rebellious Tradition With Heroic Style

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 11:54 am

In the world where everyday changes are happening, one finds it very difficult to stay up-to-date. In order to be in the right direction, every person has to compete in the race of being the best in the business. On the other hand, staying true to your origin is something we cannot go too long without. Everyday new entrants step into every market and widen the range of options out of which we have to choose from. In this hustle and bustle, there are certain names we can trust. These inspirations have always kept our heads high with the evergreen prestige and honor they possess. One of such well-known names is 'Harley Davidson'
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Benefits of Buying Used Military Clothing and Footwear

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 11:40 am

Military clothing and footwear has become extremely popular among people of all ages. However, if you're stocking up on camouflage pants, t-shirts, and combat boots, it can really add up.
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A Guide to the Perfect Autumn Maternity Wardrobe

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 11:40 am

Pregnant and looking to update your maternity wardrobe ready for this Autumn? Look no further!
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What To Do When Your Fishnet Tights Rip

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 11:36 am

This article aims to demonstrate the different options you have when your fishnet tights rip. Many think that when tights become damaged the only place for them is the bin, however this is not necessarily true and now we shall discuss all the different options available. Fishnets in themselves are often looked upon as a sexy item of hosiery, worn for both seductive reasons and for events such as dance shows and performances.
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Fishnet Tights For Everyday Wear

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 11:36 am

This article aims to explain how fishnet tights can be worn for everyday casual wear and not just for fancy dress or controversial purposes. Many people consider fishnet tights as quite a seductive piece of hosiery and something to be worn only on such an occasion rather than wearing them with your everyday garments. For years fishnets have been something associated with dancing or a particular type of women along the lines of characters who star in films such as Chicago.
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Fishnet Tights For Fancy Dress

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 11:35 am

This article will look into the many purposes and uses for the classic garment fishnet tights. Throughout history, fishnet tights have often been seen as a sexy garment only to be worn on occasions when such a look is trying to be achieved. They have been seen throughout a variety of films including Chicago, and have also made a reputation for themselves at the infamous Rocky Horror Show.
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The Advantages Of Footless Tights

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 11:35 am

This article aims to explain why footless tights can often be a great alternative to regular tights and how they can look great with a variety of different outfits. Often tights can be looked upon as an essential accessory rather than a fashion statement. When some people think of the word tights they immediately think of plain black tights or school tights.
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Women's Wholesale Clothing to Keep Up With Fashion Trends

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 11:04 am

As a fashionista, you may be keeping tabs of what's hot and what's not. There are different sources to get such information. You can get them from reading fashion magazines; from watching TV shows (as Project Runway, Sex and the City or Gossip Girl); and from attending live fashion shows of local designers.
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Adaptive Clothing: Style, Comfort and Confidence

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 10:30 am

Adaptive Apparel carries the misconception and notion of lacking style. Fortunately, designers are adapting to the clients and making adaptive clothing more fashionable while still remaining easy to access. This is excellent boost of confidence for those with physical ailments or disabilities which might hinder them from wearing traditional stylish clothing.
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Quilted Jackets For Women

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 10:28 am

This time of year can be tough for those who experience all four seasons. They not only have to deal with those awkward temperature swings but the dwindling daylight as well as the unpredictable rain. These days, some people will wear a stylish outdoor jacket over a plain shirt. Quilted jacket is one of the popular choices because this outwear is such a trendy and classic answer to the winter or fall transitional conundrum. Quilted jackets for women will keep the wearer looking fresh, cozy and dry throughout the winter months. These jackets are widely available in the market and loved by many people due to the comfort and versatility of this outfit.
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Dr Jays Vs Karmaloop a Quick Comparison

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 10:09 am

If you are interested in urban clothing, both Karmaloop and Dr Jays stores are both exceptional options for you. They provide a good range of clothing at fair prices that are not going to break your budget. By comparing the differences of the two, you can figure out which suits you better, and then shop at the store that is best for you.
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Fashionable Choices for the Plus Size Woman

By Anonymous on Sep 20, 2012 09:11 am

Women who are less than lean and possess a particular shape find themselves having a hard time looking for fashionable plus size clothing. Most clothing seems to be engineered for smaller women and this sort of bias is unfair as well as incredibly inconvenient for a considerable percentage of the population.
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Dresses With a Special Plus

By Anonymous on Sep 19, 2012 05:57 pm

Plus size formal dresses come in many different styles to accommodate women of all sizes. They can range from wedding dresses to something that can be worn to the prom. Any occasion can be accommodated with all these available fashions.
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Plus Size Dresses For Any Time of Day

By Anonymous on Sep 19, 2012 05:56 pm

Plus size casual dresses are an important component to any large and in charge woman's wardrobe. These dresses can be worn to work if you throw a blazer over them.
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Five Tips Every Plus Size Woman Needs

By Anonymous on Sep 19, 2012 05:38 pm

When it comes to plus size fashion, there are certain tips one must abide by in order to set the trend and stand out. The first of these is finding a good fit in terms of sizing. If your outfit of choice is too loose, you'll be buried in your outfit and it may make you appear bigger than you actually are.
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Formality With a Plus

By Anonymous on Sep 19, 2012 05:08 pm

There's always been a question pertaining to knowing the right occasion to put on plus size formal wear. The answer is more complicated than one would imagine. You have to make sure you're not overdressed for the events you attend.
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Promote Your Business With Custom Patches

By Anonymous on Sep 19, 2012 05:06 pm

As a business owner, you need to find new and interesting ways to promote your business and make sure that your target audience remembers you. The custom patches are one of the most traditional marketing tools that can be used in an effective way to promote your business.
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Interesting Notes About Pashmina/Cashmere

By Anonymous on Sep 19, 2012 04:49 pm

In modern times, the major part of pashmina/cashmere goods are produced in China, Kashmir (India), Nepal, Scotland and Italy. Whereas the products from each region have a special feel/look about them, one very interesting fact emerges that a lot of warmth, beauty and luxurious touch of this special fiber comes alive because of the quality of water of rivers, where these products are processed! In the book "Pashmina" by Rizvi and Ahmed, they write, "the success of Scottish companies in processing this delicate...
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Double Breasted Jackets and Coats: Then and Now

By Anonymous on Sep 19, 2012 04:45 pm

Currently in the market for a new jacket, suit or coat? Consider a double breasted


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