Thursday, February 2, 2012

Devil's Mind: The False Dichotomy of Friendship and Romantic ...

In a previous post I hinted at problematic distinction between friendship and romantic companionship. I have stumbled upon a very interesting post that expresses my concern in a quite eloquent manner.

The following are excerpts from that post:

I recently witnessed many discussions on how acceptable it is to pursue a friendship with someone you're interested in romantically, and I keep hearing opinions that are absolutely baffling to me. I hear things like: it's wrong, it's dishonest, it's not a "real" friendship, the other person will be rightfully furious at you when they find out, etc. etc.

It seems that, for all these people, friendship and romance are required to develop on absolutely distinct paths, right off the bat; otherwise, they see it as wrong somehow.

I suspect that the difference between us is this: they see friendship as opposed to a romantic relationship, like the two are mutually exclusive, whereas I see friendship as being a part of romantic relationship. Moreover, it is an absolutely vital part ? I can?t have romantic relationships without it. All of my romantic relationships began with friendship!

Another point: friendship is not only a vital part of a relationship ? it is also the most important one, by far! The most rewarding, the most fun, the most worthy to pursue. Whenever I really like someone, I?ll always be willing to give up the sex in order to be able to be their friend.

When I am trying to become friends with someone, it is because I find them interesting and fun and I want to be their friend. Now, I may also want to sleep with them; but I can?t emphasize the ?also? enough. The romance is not mandatory ? the friendship is. First, foremost and most importantly ? I want to be their friend.

For me, spending time and energy on a friend is its own reward... Otherwise, what kind of friendship is that?! And regarding the emotional turmoil ? yes, I agree, it can be not easy sometimes. But it?s totally worth it. (At least for me.)

source: Dishonest Friendship?

Although the concluding remarks in that post are a little bit off-topic, I am going to include them because I find them enlightening and address some issues commonly encountered in practice:
This post has a dual goal:

If you?re my friend, and you realize that I?m in love with you ? don?t conclude that my friendship is not genuine. It is.

If you are interested in me romantically, ask yourself: if a fairy told you that she looked into the future and I definitely won't sleep with you, ever ? would that knowledge make you not want to be my friend anymore?

If the answer is yes ? that you?re interested in my friendship only on condition for the prospect of sex ? please, fuck off! I mean it ? we?re not right for each other, I don?t need you in my life.
But it is completely okay if you are interested in sex ? as long as you are interested in me regardless of ever having it.


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