Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sandy dumps snow along outskirts of storm

ELKINS, W.Va. (AP) ? Wet snow and high winds spinning off the edge of superstorm Sandy spread blizzard conditions over parts of West Virginia and neighboring Appalachian states Tuesday, shutting one interstate as trucks and cars bogged down and knocking out power to many.

The National Weather Service said a foot and more of snow was reported in lower elevations of West Virginia, where most towns and roads are. High elevations in the mountains were getting more than two feet and a blizzard warning for more than a dozen counties was in effect until Wednesday afternoon.

At least 236,000 customers were without power in West Virginia early Tuesday. In Elkins, a city of about 7,000 people, power went out across town before dawn and the only lights were from passing snow plows as heavy, wet flakes piled up to about 8 inches.

The roofs of at least three homes collapsed under the weight of heavy snow, Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin said. No injuries were reported in the Tuesday accidents in Nicholas County. West Virginia National Guard troops helped the residents of the homes get to local shelters.

Tomblin says there's been no word of additional deaths or any serious injuries. Officials earlier reported a woman was killed Monday in a storm-related traffic accident in an area where about 5 inches of snow had fallen.

The governor is urging residents to stay off the roads. That will prevent mishaps and allow National Guard, Division of Highways and Division of Forestry crews to clear felled trees for utility repair workers.

Tomblin says forecasters estimate that the storm's brunt should clear the state by nightfall.

Authorities closed nearly 50 miles of Interstate 68 on either side of the West Virginia-Maryland state line for hours early Tuesday because of blizzard conditions and stuck vehicles.

More than 30 other highways and roads were closed in West Virginia by snow, ice, high water, and downed trees and power lines. Department of Transportation spokeswoman Leslie Fitzwater said. Schools were closed in at least 39 counties. Police rescued several stranded motorists on the interstate in West Virginia.

"It's a mess out there and people should stay home if they can until our first responders can get out there, clear the roads and get to those who need the most assistance," Fitzwater said.

On the Maryland side of I-68, a foot of snow triggered closures along a 40-mile stretch between LaVale and the West Virginia line.

Several westbound tractor-trailers jackknifed on Big Savage Mountain. Maryland State Police Sgt. Brian Broadwater said about 200 vehicles backed up behind the trucks. Travelers were turned around or detoured onto two-lane state highways that were also treacherous, prompting many to check into motels.

The depth of the early snow surprised some Appalachian residents in eastern Kentucky.

A tree heavy with snow fell on Claude Collier's truck Monday night in Jenkins, Ky. Collier, 50, says he has "never seen this much snow this early in the year." He said he and other residents lost power in the storm.

The storm also covered parts of the Virginia highlands, northeast Tennessee and northwest North Carolina.

At Great Smoky Mountains National Park on the border of Tennessee and North Carolina, park spokeswoman Dana Soehn reported 22 inches of snow at the highest elevations, with strong winds blowing drifts up to 4 feet deep.

Roads were closed throughout the park and a handful of hikers coming off sections of the Appalachian Trial on Tuesday morning reporting tangles of fallen trees and waist-deep drifts.

"We don't know exactly how many people are still up there, but we've not received any distress calls," Soehn said. "It's that heavy, wet snow, so it is difficult to plow."


Associated Press writer Bruce Schreiner in in Jenkins, Ky., contributed to this report.


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Hunt for superbugs in Australian animals

ScienceDaily (Oct. 30, 2012) ? University of Adelaide scientists will lead a national research effort to hunt for so-called 'superbugs' in Australian livestock and pets.

The University's School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, based at the Roseworthy Campus, has received $110,000 in funding from Pfizer Animal Health Australia to conduct a pilot study, which is the first of its kind for the nation.

Scientists in the new Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at Roseworthy will research the prevalence of resistance to all major classes of antibiotic for two key groups of pathogens, Escherichia coli and staphylococci, in livestock animals and pets.

"Australia currently has no coordinated national program monitoring antibiotic resistance in livestock or companion animal pathogens," says the Director of the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Dr Darren Trott.

"Resistance in these key pathogens is a major driver throughout the world of the use of antimicrobial drugs for livestock and companion animals."

Dr Trott says Australia has some of the world's most conservative restrictions regarding the use of antimicrobial drugs in livestock.

"Australian producers do not use broad-spectrum antibiotics such as fluoroquinolones or gentamicin in livestock production, and usage of the antibiotic ceftiofur is governed by strict label requirements. However, our country is increasingly importing fresh food from countries where these antimicrobial drugs are used indiscriminately in both animals and humans.

"Australia's primary producers are under great pressure, having to compete with cheap imported products that are often of inferior quality," he says.

Dr Trott says the new study hopes to provide a clearer picture of the state of Australian livestock in particular.

"We're currently establishing a network of university-based, private and government veterinary microbiology laboratories throughout Australia that can supply us with the bacteria isolated from animal infections. These will give us a good indication of how prevalent antibiotic resistance is in our animal populations.

"We expect our study will confirm that Australia has low rates of resistance to important classes of drug in these key animal pathogens, relative to other countries, which will be good news for our exporters," he says.

"If we identify any hot pockets of emerging resistance, mitigation strategies can be implemented quickly.

"Over the next few years, we hope our data will positively influence the prescribing practices of veterinarians in the field, whether they are involved in livestock, companion animals, or both. Pfizer Australia has shown leadership in commencing the program and establishing the network. Further government research funding would be required to keep the surveillance ongoing," Dr Trott says.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Adelaide.

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Many cancer survivors face health-related quality of life issues

Many cancer survivors face health-related quality of life issues [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 30-Oct-2012
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Contact: Marguerite Beck
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center

More than 1 in 3 have post-treatment physical or mental problems, study finds

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. Oct. 30, 2012 Beating cancer is just the first step.

More than one third of the 12.6 million cancer survivors in the United States have physical or mental problems that put their overall health in jeopardy, according to researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.

Their study, published in the October issue of the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, found that 25 percent of cancer survivors reported poor physical health and 10 percent reported poor mental health as compared to 10 percent and 6 percent, respectively, of adults without cancer.

The study was funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

"Until now, we didn't have clear data on quality-of-life issues for the population of U.S. cancer survivors," said the study's lead author, Kathryn Weaver, Ph.D., assistant professor of social sciences and health policy at Wake Forest Baptist. "This information should help doctors and researchers identify groups of survivors who may be at risk for long-term problems after cancer. In addition, it can help us know if some of the national efforts to improve life for cancer survivors are making a difference."

For the study, researchers analyzed data from a 2010 nationwide health survey conducted by the CDC that included data specific to cancer survivors collected by the CDC and the NCI. The scientists identified 1,822 cancer survivors and compared them with 24,804 adults with no history of cancer.

Survivors of breast cancer, prostate cancer and melanoma fared best, with health-related quality of life levels equivalent to or better than those of adults with no cancer history, according to the study.

In contrast, 40 percent of survivors of cervical, blood and colorectal cancers and survivors of cancers with a five-year survival rate of less than 25 percent (including cancers of the liver, lung and pancreas) were more likely to report physical problems that had a negative impact on their quality of life. In addition, survivors in the latter group were more likely to report mental health issues that affected their day-to-day lives.

The researchers estimated that about 3.3 million cancer survivors in the United States have poor physical health-related quality of life and almost 1.4 million have poor mental health-related quality of life.

"Recently, there has been a strong push for doctors to do a better job of communicating with cancer patients about what to expect as they finish treatment and transition to the survivor period," Weaver said. "Identifying what symptoms or problems cancer patients are facing after treatment fatigue, pain, depression, sleep and cognition problems and connecting them with the right resources or treatments is key to improving their long-term health."


Co-authors of the study are Laura P. Forsythe, Ph.D., Catherine M. Alfano, Ph.D., and Julia H. Rowland, Ph.D., of the National Cancer Institute; Bryce B. Reeve, Ph.D., of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and Juan L. Rodriguez, M.P.H., Susan A. Sabatino, M.D., and Nikki A. Hawkins, Ph.D., of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The research was supported by the National Cancer Institute contract HHSN 261201100189P.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Many cancer survivors face health-related quality of life issues [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 30-Oct-2012
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Contact: Marguerite Beck
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center

More than 1 in 3 have post-treatment physical or mental problems, study finds

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. Oct. 30, 2012 Beating cancer is just the first step.

More than one third of the 12.6 million cancer survivors in the United States have physical or mental problems that put their overall health in jeopardy, according to researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.

Their study, published in the October issue of the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, found that 25 percent of cancer survivors reported poor physical health and 10 percent reported poor mental health as compared to 10 percent and 6 percent, respectively, of adults without cancer.

The study was funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

"Until now, we didn't have clear data on quality-of-life issues for the population of U.S. cancer survivors," said the study's lead author, Kathryn Weaver, Ph.D., assistant professor of social sciences and health policy at Wake Forest Baptist. "This information should help doctors and researchers identify groups of survivors who may be at risk for long-term problems after cancer. In addition, it can help us know if some of the national efforts to improve life for cancer survivors are making a difference."

For the study, researchers analyzed data from a 2010 nationwide health survey conducted by the CDC that included data specific to cancer survivors collected by the CDC and the NCI. The scientists identified 1,822 cancer survivors and compared them with 24,804 adults with no history of cancer.

Survivors of breast cancer, prostate cancer and melanoma fared best, with health-related quality of life levels equivalent to or better than those of adults with no cancer history, according to the study.

In contrast, 40 percent of survivors of cervical, blood and colorectal cancers and survivors of cancers with a five-year survival rate of less than 25 percent (including cancers of the liver, lung and pancreas) were more likely to report physical problems that had a negative impact on their quality of life. In addition, survivors in the latter group were more likely to report mental health issues that affected their day-to-day lives.

The researchers estimated that about 3.3 million cancer survivors in the United States have poor physical health-related quality of life and almost 1.4 million have poor mental health-related quality of life.

"Recently, there has been a strong push for doctors to do a better job of communicating with cancer patients about what to expect as they finish treatment and transition to the survivor period," Weaver said. "Identifying what symptoms or problems cancer patients are facing after treatment fatigue, pain, depression, sleep and cognition problems and connecting them with the right resources or treatments is key to improving their long-term health."


Co-authors of the study are Laura P. Forsythe, Ph.D., Catherine M. Alfano, Ph.D., and Julia H. Rowland, Ph.D., of the National Cancer Institute; Bryce B. Reeve, Ph.D., of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and Juan L. Rodriguez, M.P.H., Susan A. Sabatino, M.D., and Nikki A. Hawkins, Ph.D., of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The research was supported by the National Cancer Institute contract HHSN 261201100189P.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Widow of suspect in pastor killing: 'He was really sick'

By Ellen Goldberg,

The wife of the man who police say beat a pastor to death in a Texas church said Tuesday that her husband was mentally ill.

Police say Derrick Birdow, 33, killed Danny Kirk Sr. Monday after ramming into Greater Sweethome Missionary Baptist Church in Forest Hill with his car.

Birdow died after police used a stun gun to subdue him.

"I am torn, because not only did I lose my pastor, I lost my husband," said Shanellia Harris Birdow, his widow.

Harris Birdow, an active member of Greater Sweethome Missionary Baptist Church, said her husband did not know Kirk, although he had attended church there in the past.

Police: Texas pastor killed, suspect dies after being subdued by stun gun

She said that her husband, who had a lengthy criminal record, was mentally ill and had sought treatment last week at a Fort Worth hospital.

"He was sick," she said. "He was really sick. Even these last couple days, he was trying to get help, but he didn't get it."

She attended a vigil for Kirk on Tuesday night, unsure of how the congregation would react.

"I wanted them to know I didn't have anything to do with it," she said. "I don't know the reasons. I don't have answers to the questions that they have."

Candlelight vigil?
Church members and Kirk's family remembered the pastor at the candlelight vigil.

"Daddy, I am not going to do you wrong," said Danny Kirk Jr., the pastor's only son. "I am not going to bring shame to your name. You named me Danny Kirk Jr. for a reason."

He assured the congregation that he would take care of his mother and the church in his father's absence.

Danny Kirk Sr. had a daughter, Danielle, who died when she was just 3 years old. Church members say the family was still struggling with her death. His son said he takes great comfort in knowing his father and sister will now be together.

Forest Hill police say Birdow rammed his car into the front of the church on Monday afternoon before going inside and beating Kirk, the church founder, to death. A janitor trying to stop the assault was also injured, police said.

Barbara Moore, the church secretary, witnessed the attack and called 911. She told NBC 5 that she locked herself in her office while the men were fighting.

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"I saw them tussling in the truck, and he was trying to subdue him and he couldn't," she said. "I ran and called 911."

Police said Birdow was still attacking Kirk and the janitor when officers arrived. Officers used a stun gun to restrain him, arrested him and placed him in a police car.

Officers found him unresponsive about 10 minutes later, police said.


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Painkillers Linked to Hearing Loss in Women | pilladvised

At the first sign of pain, some people reach for a pain-relieving medicine.


But these popular pills may do some damage to your ears, a research study has found.


According to a new study from Brigham and Women?s Hospital, women who took ibuprofen, the main ingredient in Advil, or acetaminophen, the drug in Tylenol, two or more days per week had an increased risk of hearing loss.


The more often a woman took either of these medications, the higher her risk for hearing loss. Also, the link between these medicines and hearing loss tended to be greater in women younger than 50 years old, especially for those who took ibuprofen six or more days per week.


Read 48 Million Americans Have Hearing Loss


Sharon Curhan MD

?Possible mechanisms might be that NSAIDs may reduce blood flow to the cochlea-the hearing organ-and impair its function,? said first study author Sharon Curhan MD, BWH Channing Division of Network Medicine. ?Acetaminophen may deplete factors that protect the cochlea from damage.?


Dr. Curhan notes that although analgesics are widely available without a prescription, they are still medicines that carry potential side effects.


Learn Why Medication Can Be Dangerous to Your Health




Am J Epidemiol. 2012 Sep 15;176(6):544-54. Epub 2012 Aug 29 ?Analgesic use and the risk of hearing loss in women.? Curhan SG, Shargorodsky J, Eavey R, Curhan GC.


This research was supported by the National Institutes of Health and by Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.



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Text, don't call, once Sandy hits, say carriers

12 hrs.

Wireless carriers have made extensive preparations to deal with the impact of Hurricane Sandy, and are asking customers to do the same. Among the best things you can do to help keep your phone battery going and to ease network congestion is to limit your voice calls???keep them short???and to send text messages instead.

"Limit non-emergency calls to save battery power and free up wireless networks for emergency workers and operations and send brief text messages instead," Verizon Wireless says in a hurricane preparedness statement. "When the network gets busy, texts have a higher chance of getting through the first time and can be more efficient."

Among other tips offered by Verizon, AT&T,?Sprint and T-Mobile:

  • Keep phones and phone accessories???batteries and chargers???in sealed plastic bags?to avoid water damage.
  • If you have an extra phone battery and you?have power, charge that battery so it's ready.
  • Add to your phone's contact list all key emergency phone numbers and email addresses, including police,?fire and rescue agencies; schools and service people.
  • If you are being evacuated, forward home or work phone calls to your wireless number.
  • Use your phone's camera to take photos or video of your property and valuables before the storm hits, so you have "before" photos if your home suffers storm damage.
  • If cell service is down in your area, but your home Wi-Fi network is working, switch to Wi-Fi on your phone.
  • Expect high-call volume, which can lead to network congestion. If that's the case, you'll hear "fast busy" signals on your wireless phone (or a slow dial tone on your landline phone). If that?happens, hang up, wait several seconds and then try the call again. That allows your original call data to clear the network before you try again.

For additional tips on conserving your cellphone's battery, see NBC News' Bob Sullivan's Facebook page here. He says:?

How to conserve cell phone power during the storm: a nice set of tips. 1) Airplane mode 2) Turn off cell, wifi to gadget isn't searching for networks til you need them. Added to this, I have my auto jump-start battery in the house, which has a convenient USB port, too. Yours might at least have a cigaretter lighter 12V out ...?use a car charger or converter with that. HT to @steverubel

In advance of Sandy, all carriers have been deploying portable cell sites and mobile emergency generators?in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast?that can replace damaged cell towers. Carriers?are also coordinating their work with local and emergency agencies.

You can read more about your carrier here: Verizon Wireless, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile.

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on?Facebook,?and on?Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.


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Copyright and re-sales from overseas

The Supreme Court is considering a case that requires the wisdom of Solomon:

Supap Kirtsaeng was studying in the United States when he struck a nerve in the publishing world by tapping into the market for cheaper college textbooks. Kirtsaeng re-sold copyrighted books that relatives first bought abroad.

His profitable venture provoked a copyright infringement lawsuit from publisher John Wiley & Sons. The case is being argued Monday at the high court.

Kirtsaeng used eBay to sell $900,000 worth of books published abroad by Wiley and others and made about $100,000 in profit. The international editions of the textbooks were essentially the same as the more costly American editions. A jury in New York awarded Wiley $600,000 after deciding Kirtsaeng sold copies of eight Wiley textbooks without permission.

The issue at the Supreme Court concerns what protection the holder of a copyright has after a product made outside the United States is sold for the first time. In this case, the issue is whether U.S. copyright protection applies to items that are made abroad, purchased abroad and then resold in the U.S. without the permission of the manufacturer. The high court split 4-4 when it tried to answer that question in a case in 2010 involving Costco and Swiss watch maker Omega. . . .

The court already has rejected copyright claims over U.S.-made items that were sold abroad and then brought back to the United States for re-sale.

The current case has attracted so much attention because it could affect many goods sold on eBay, Google and other Internet sites, and at Costco and other discount stores. The re-sale of merchandise that originates overseas often is called the gray market, and it has an annual value in the tens of billions of dollars.

Consumers benefit from this market because manufacturers commonly price items more cheaply abroad than in the United States.

The federal appeals court in New York sided with Wiley in this case.

EBay and Google say in court papers that the appellate ruling ?threatens the increasingly important e-commerce sector of the economy.? Art museums fear that the ruling, if allowed to stand, would jeopardize their ability to exhibit art created outside the United States.

Conversely, the producers of copyrighted movies, music and other goods say that their businesses will be undercut by unauthorized sales if the court blesses Kirtsaeng?s actions. . . .

[Attorney Theodore]? Olson said there may be good reasons why manufacturers price the same goods differently for domestic and foreign sales, including lower incomes and standards of living in many foreign countries.

via Online, discount sellers back Thai student in Supreme Court copyright case ? The Washington Post.

This would seem to be a corollary of the global economy.? Prices are lower in some lower-income markets.? But now it?s possible for consumers in high-price markets to use the internet to buy from the lower-cost countries.

Buying drugs from Canada would be another example, once considered by pharmacy companies as even less fair because the Canadian government subsidizes drugs in that country and makes them cheaper than the free market would dictate.

The advantage to consumers is obvious, but can a company stay in business that way?? Would it force companies to charge high-price market rates in poor countries, thus preventing citizens of poorer nations from buying what they need and would otherwise be able to buy?

And copyright adds another dimension.? Writers get nothing when their works are re-sold in used bookstores or online, which has always struck me, being an author, as wrong, though I can?t think of an alternative that wouldn?t also be wrong.


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Caught on Camera: Deer trapped in Hurricane Sandy's surf | WTVR ...

MONMOUTH, NJ (WTVR) ? Worried bystanders jumped into action to try and help save a deer stuck in the wild surf at a Monmouth County beach in New Jersey as Hurricane Sandy loomed Sunday afternoon.

The deer was spotted attempting the navigate the breaking surf, but a barrier of rocks was keeping it from getting back to the beach. People tried approaching the animal to help it escape, but the frightened creature ran away every time.

Animal control and humane society responded and tranquilized the deer, which was found with a broken leg. They?re hoping to nurse it back to help.


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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Developing an Online presence With Mike Nyhus Calgary | EzinePR

Mike Nyhus Calgary believes that the virtually all effective business experts in 2013 will be the ones that have well developed web presences. He sees the net and the power of search engines as being exceptionally important for the future.

With this forward-thinking mindset, Mike Nyhus Calgary is intrigued in developing a robust web presence. He believes that this online presence will not just boost his own reputation as a skilled; it also can be leveraged to boost the reputation of Aisling Chem Inc., the chemical distribution firm he works with.

Aisling Chem Inc. supplies industrial grade chemical products to businesses throughout North America. Though the market can be way more limited than other consumer markets, there?s still a desperate requirement for high-grade industrial chemicals. Purchasers make use of the web to find top-notch suppliers just as much as standard shoppers use the web to find retailers they?d like to buy from. By growing his own presence on the internet, Mike Nyhus Calgary believes he can further bolster the reputation of Aisling Chem Inc.

Nowadays , there are several means that the net might be leveraged for reputation building. Most individuals and businesses develop their image via business websites. As internet sites serve as superb hubs, social media platforms like Facebook and twitter are certainly productive in generating a consumer interest. They?re even strong platforms for B2B firms like Aisling Chem Inc.

Also, Mike Nyhus Calgary is interested in blogging about the business of distributing chemical merchandise. By blogging about what he knows, Mike Nyhus Calgary can share priceless information for free with those people who require it. Sharing this type of knowledge with others does not go unrewarded. In lots of cases, readers will turn into customers for Mike Nyhus Calgary!

Mike Nyhus Calgary is a major believer in content marketing. He recognizes that the old, ?traditional? means of marketing like direct mail and telemarketing (otherwise known as outbound marketing) are dead. People no more respond to these techniques of marketing because the supplier of a service and the producer of a product are no more in control.

With the appearance of the net, Mike Nyhus Calgary knows that the control has been turned over to the consumer. With the sources offered on-line on just about every industry imaginable, customers can learn for themselves which items are worth their hard-earned cash. In this completely new world, outbound marketing principles no longer apply.

As this news can be discouraging to some. Mike Nyhus Calgary of Aisling Chem Inc. is just encouraged. He believes that he can leverage his marketing know-how to employ new inbound marketing strategies.

Inbound marketing includes every thing from expanding an existence on social media platforms to blogging for business. In fact, Mike Nyhus Calgary sees blogging as among the most effective ways to market your business. If you can write, then you can do it. Or, you can always outsource it to a writing service!

If you aren?t publishing, Mike Nyhus Calgary would like to urge you to begin doing so. It is fully free for anyone to do. You simply need to take the initiative to start. Businesses that publish their own content are seen as authoritative voices in their industry. They?re also far more likely to earn business conversions than businesses that do not engage an audience in conversation.

So, why aren?t you going the means of Mike Nyhus Calgary and thousands of other businesspeople around the planet? Give publishing a shot! You might find that it boosts your business conversions and increases your sales cycle. You?ve got nothing to lose, right?

Escajeda Suel has been writing articles on Mike Nyhus Calgary since 1999.


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SEO Boston MA - Boston Web Marketing

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the art of getting a company higher on search engines including Google, Yahoo, and Bing. ?In Boston, MA a common misconception when we speak to potential clients is the assumption anyone who speaks with them including companies such as Yelp, Citysearch, and Yellowpages are performing this service. ?The reality of SEO is it is a fairly ambiguous term, that is bandied about by sales people without any actual substance.

A great search engine optimization company in Boston, MA will provide:

  1. Quality content on a variety of sites (Including your own website)
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  5. Video Optimization
  6. Listing Sites (Including Google + Local, Yahoo Local, and Bing Business)


A great way to find out the extent of knowledge of the person you are speaking with is to ask them about Panda, and Penguin. ?These two words will mean a lot to the SEO expert who is really trying to help your business succeed online. ?To the marketer of yesteryear who is simply throwing out terminology to try and get your business, they will have no clue. ?Panda and Penguin are Googles two current algorithm iterations, simply defined, they are what govern how different businesses come up to the top of Google for searches.

It is very easy to lump everything together from an advertising perspective and declare; ??I have already heard about this and I am not doing it?. ?Unfortunately, this doesn?t diminish the importance of Google, Yahoo, and Bing on your business, and will not turn the clocks back to 15 years ago before the internet influenced your company. ?As a business owner, you are worried about paying your bills, your employees, buying product, customer service, and a myriad of other issues that determine your success. ?Allow a company that is credible, who has years of experience and multiple employees to be responsible for your online image. ?When it comes to your business, can you really afford not to?

If you are interested in more SEO techniques or would like to hire us to manage your reputation online contact us at: or call 857.526.0096.

Boston Web Marketing | 108 Union Wharf Boston | MA 02109 |

Tags:boston ma, company, Search engine optimization, SEO, small business


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Apple MacBook Pro 13-inch (Retina Display)

  • Pros

    High-resolution Retina display. Includes two Thunderbolt ports. Standard 8GB of memory. Good battery life. Supports Power Nap.

  • Cons Pricey. Requires Retina-optimized apps for best user experience.
  • Bottom Line

    The Apple MacBook Pro 13-inch (Retina Display) is the best way to carry the pixels of a large-screen monitor with you on the road. It's ideal for people who make their living with visuals.

By Joel Santo Domingo

Apple's new MacBook Pro 13-Inch (Retina Display) ($1,999 list) gives the insanely picky visual artist a new, more portable sidekick. The MacBook Pro has been redesigned with many of the features that made the Apple MacBook Pro 15-inch (Retina Display) so attractive to the graphics arts set. If you absolutely must have a display with greater-than-HD resolution and you need to take that show on the road, you want this laptop. It's pricey to be sure, but it is the most portable machine for those with projects (or egos) that need all those pixels on the screen and the powerful components to back them up. It's our new Editors' Choice for high-end ultraportable laptops.

Design and Features
The MacBook Pro 13-inch (Retina Display) retains the general Apple design ID, with a black chiclet backlit keyboard and one-piece glass multitouch trackpad, matte-finish aluminum all around, and a glass-covered 13.3-inch widescreen surrounded by a black bezel. The laptop is compact, measuring 0.75 by 12.35 by 8.62 inches (HWD), which is thinner than the previous 13-inch MacBook Pro. But it feels sturdy in your hand: At a weight of 3.57 pounds, it's a little heavier than some ultrabooks we've reviewed recently, but the MacBook Pro isn't beholden to the ultrabook specs. The Apple MacBook Air 13-inch (Mid 2012) is lighter by slightly more than half a pound (2.96 pounds), so that's where you should go if you need portability more than you do the Retina Display.

Because the new MacBook Pro uses flash storage instead of a spinning hard drive, the system boots up and launches apps much more quickly. Flash storage also lets the MacBook Pro use Apple's Power Nap, which updates social media, email, contacts, and location tracking over Wi-Fi even while the laptop is asleep. Speaking of Wi-Fi, the system supports dual-band (2.4GHz and 5GHz) 802.1a/b/g/n Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0 like the other recent MacBooks. Our midpriced review model came with 256GB of flash storage, which is quite usable even for users who need to run Windows through Boot Camp or other virtual environments like Parallels Desktop. You can forgo half the storage (128GB) to save $300, or you can up the total to 512GB (for $500) or 768GB (for $1,000). If you need still more beyond that, or you don't want to shell out the bucks for more flash storage, two USB 3.0 ports and two Thunderbolt ports are available for connecting external drives.

Like the optical drive, FireWire 800 has fallen out of favor at Apple, because that venerable (and relatively slow) port is missing from both Retina display?equipped MacBook Pros. You can also use the built-in SDXC card slot for extra storage, though the card will stick out a bit while in use. A full-size HDMI port, headset/headphones jack, and a MagSafe 2 charging port are the other user-accessible openings on the side panels. There's no VGA or DVI port, but you can use a third-party adapter with the Thunderbolt port, or you can use AirPlay on an Apple TV for an easy wireless connection to a HDTV. Also on the chassis are dual microphones (for noise cancellation during FaceTime sessions), and the underside of the chassis has slits (like the 15-inch) for both cooling and to help the speakers channel sound out to the sides and give you better stereo sound

Other Apple Laptops & Notebooks

Joel Santo Domingo By Joel Santo Domingo Lead Analyst

Joel Santo Domingo is the Lead Analyst for the Desktops team at PC Magazine Labs. He joined PC Magazine in 2000, after 7 years of IT work for companies large and small. His background includes...

Follow Joel Santo Domingo Twitter: @JoelSD ');}} '); } }


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The Explicarium

The March of Progress

In the Empire of Valon, magic has been brought under control. It is directed, manipulated like electricity. The people live a life of safety and privilege...but what is the cost? Where does the power come from?


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Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen to the Valonian Archives, and the Valonian Explicarium. The Explicarium contains various details about the beings, organizations and inhabitants of our great Empire, and endeavours to answer any questions that visitors may have.

The Valon Explicarium

The Capital

The large city that stands as the economic and political centre of Valon. It is the place where Magefire is used most frequently and where Esoteric Technology is the most common. The shopping, industrial, and richer residential districts all have lights and heating powered by the Magefire grid. The Industrial district powers its factories that way. The poorer areas, mostly inhabited by factory workers, still tend to rely on candles and fires. The City Watch patrols and keeps an eye out for misbehaviour, though their numbers are supplemented by the Golems.


Golems are metal constructs assembled by the Esoteric Technologists in order to perform menial tasks. They are constructed from a brassy metal and leather joint coverings, and appear to be powered by Magefire. Golems are regarded as non-sentient creatures, though they have some level of intelligence. They are able to follow commands given to them, and will also do their best to protect citizens around them in the event of danger. Normally however they are passive and won't defend themselves against an attack, but can be quite a force to be reckoned with if commanded to take offensive action. They posses immobile masks where their faces would be. Some appear to speak, though only to parrot pre-programmed phrases.

Esoteric Technologists

Known colloquially as Eso's, or ETs, Esoteric Technologists have come to steal the status that benevolent magic users one had. Unlike mages, who had to be born with the gift of magic, Esoteric Technologists can come from any walk of life, but have to study very diligently and display a good degree of intelligence in order to qualify. They are able to build and use Magefire technology to thier advantage, and provide protection to individuals. The majority of Esos in Valon were trained by VEGA, and and as a result are contracted to serve the Empire in their career, though a few regard themselves as self taught and ply their trade freelance. These individuals tend to be looked down upon by those in the pay of the Empire. Most Esos regard magic with a sort of fascination, though it is one of scientific curiosity. They seek to control magic, to look upon it empirically, something that put them almost directly at odds with remaining magic users.

Many are content to simply build, though some Esoteric Technologists take a more active role. Using Magefire weaponry they are able to make themselves quite the force to be reckoned with in battle, though they tend to be in the minority. Most see direct combat as 'uncivilized' and would rather make Golems do their dirty work.


One of the new methods of transport invented during the rise of technology. Powered by Magefire, they resemble ships of the sea, but with large, membraned wings, and propulsion which allows them to lift from the ground. These allow travel over long distances.

They are still very much a pursuit of the rich, however. Only nobility and some of the richer merchants can afford them for the most part. Some companies allow passage aboard a Flightship as a passenger for a fee, though the majority of ordinary individuals still travel by horse or by foot.


The name given to magical energy when it had been extracted and refined. Magefire is used to power lights, heating, industrial machines, Flightships and golems among other things. It has been seen as one of the greatest advantages that the Empire has...though few are au fait with how Magefire is acquired. The power is obtained through an 'Esoteric Extractor' a machine which is capable of drawing the magical energy out of living things and converting it. The process itself is extremely painful and debilitating to the being subjected to it, tending to be ultimately fatal to the creature. As a result the source has been, for the most part, kept under wraps. The ETs have avoided using humanoid beings in the process out of concerns over the image problem it might create.


A mage is the name for an individual of a humanoid race whose body can manufacture magical energy. Superficially they tend to appear as a human, though they may have small quirks that mark them out as 'unusual'. Odd hair or eye colour, heterochromia or strange marks upon the skin can often be an indication of magical talent. Mages are very rare individuals. The trait has a chance of being inherited, so in times past the number of magic users was maintained by marriages in between mage family lines. This eventually backfired however, making many of those in later years shortlived and sickly. By the advent of Esoteric Technology, most of the mage families had all but died out, and the turn of public opinion agaisnt them caused the organizaed schools of magic to disband and scatter. As a result, a mage in Valon is a rare sight...and one that attracts a lot of attention.
They tend to be regarded with fear, for a mage's power unfettered can be incredibly destructive. Many of them are 'taken in' by the authority of the Empire at a young age, and raised and educated by them in order to ensure their loyalty...and in order to keep a very close eye on them. Some would be locked away if their power proved to be too uncontrolled, or their manner too unstable to be guaranteed safe.

The Order of the Dragon

The Order of the Dragon was a Valonian Order that was set-up centuries beforehand, when a pact was made with the Dragons of the Northern Mountains. It was agreed that the dragon elders would choose a small number of families from the humanoid races. These families would send forth one child each every generation, and that child would be paired with a dragon. Through a magical ceremony, thier spirits would be chained together through a psychic link, allowing them to speak to each other in thier minds, and feel the emotion of the other. It allowed for the best of both worlds. The comparative weakness of the humanoid was protected by the strength of the dragon, and the animal instinct and raw emotion of the dragon was tempered by the human-type's intellect. The dragon protected the rider, and the rider calmed the dragon. When the pairs came together they formed the Order of the Dragon, brought into being to tackle only the the worst, most openly dangerous threats to the Empire.

For centuries things seemed function well under that arrangement, that was until the final years of the old Emperor's reign. He disagreed with the then-leader of the Order, and, in his paranoia, he began to see them as a threat. The relationship was already shaky, but the rise of VEGA and the Esoteric Technologists sealed their doom. It was announced that they were outmoded, past thier time, that dragon-riders were no longer of use. Many of them took great offence, they left and disbanded. One, Maeve Winterborn and her dragon Rah'von, were not so quick to leave, hoping to persuade the new Empress to reconsider....but they were unfortunate to find that while rider were no longer seen as important in Valon...dragons were very much power sources.


Dragons are large, rare reptilian creatures native to the northern areas of Valon. They vary a great deal in shape and colour, having a number of subspecies, though they are all quite distinct in that they possess a great deal of magical energy. This affords them a sort of psychic ability that allows them to bond with other beings. Despite this, dragons are not a civilized species, not in the same sense as humans or elves. They are often inteligent and wily, but they are beasts and prone to letting their instincts get the better of them. They can fly into rages that wreak terrible destruction on anything around them, and are voracious predators that have no distaste about laying into livestock unless controlled.

Since the advent of Esoteric Technology, dragons have become extremely valuable, though the dragon Rah'von is the only known draconic creature to have been successfully contained. Most quickly escape, or die in the escape attempt.


An organization of Esoteric Technology research, backed by the Empress. Many inhabit the Palace, though they are based in Witchfell, a small town a few miles from the capital city. VEGA are at the cutting edge of Esoteric Technology, and dedicate themselves towards furthering the power of the Empire, and researching new ways of acquiring Magefire. The organization acts partly autonomously, though takes its orders from the Empress in theory. Many suspect they retain their own motives beyond public service however.

Most of what they research in Witchfell is kept top secret, to the degree that some are suspicious that what takes place there must be something sinister. Little is said on the matter on the part of those who are members.

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