Thursday, November 29, 2012

Love Is A Drug: Here's How To Kick The Addiction [INFOGRAPHIC ...

This is your brain "on" love.

Falling in love can feel like getting high, and a split can be like withdrawal. Here's how to cope.

Think you might be addicted to love? It turns out everyone is to some degree?? biologically speaking, of course. The brain is hardwired to recognize amorous feelings as a reward, just as it does when introduced to potentially addictive substances ? hence, the euphoria. Likewise, your brain doesn't want to let love go, and physically withdraws when love is taken away. In other words, love hurts...literally.

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The good news? Once you understand the mechanisms behind this complex, troublemaking organ known as the human brain, you can get to work getting over that person who was no good for you anyway, and set your sights on someone who truly loves you back.

Check out this infographic from YourTango and our friends over at We Love Dates, which describes (in shocking detail!) your brain "on love," its scary similarities to your brain on drugs and how to avoid a rebound rollercoaster by understanding what's really going on inside your noggin.

Enjoyed this infographic? Feel free to share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!?Copy and paste the following code to embed the infographic on your site or blog.?

<a href=""><img src="" alt="How to Get Over Someone You Love - Infographic" title="How to Get Over Someone You Love - Infographic" width="970" height="5900" /></a>

We Love Dates is a worldwide online dating site. Check out their We Love Dates blog for more dating advice and tips.

More juicy love stories on YourTango:

More from YourTango: Get A Room: The Top 5 Sexiest New Hotels In the U.S.




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