Saturday, January 12, 2013

Mobile phones uk: Mobile Phones With Free Gifts - Offers You More ...

A mobile phone or a cell phone is a long range, portable electronic device that is used for mobile communication. A cell phone uses a network of specialised base stations known as cell sites. Current mobile phones come equipped with a number of useful applications like Instant Messaging, Internet Access, Camera and Hands Free. The third generation (3G) mobile phones were first commercially launched in Japan in 1990. Due to advances in technology, cell phones have become increasingly compact over a period of time.

Currently, the Nokia Corp. is the largest manufacturer of mobile phones in the world. The company has a current global mobile phone market share of approximately 36 percent. Africa has the largest growth rate of cell phone subscribers in the world. Over 6 million cell phones are sold in India in a month alone. The country expects to reach up to 500 million subscribers by the end of 2010. These days, the cell phones can also be custom decorated to reflect the owner's personality.

Gone are the days when only high profile business people and executives could afford to own a mobile phones. These days, mobile phones have become very common. Be it a student, home maker or an executive, everyone keeps a cell phone with him or her these days. Mobile phones industry is a multi billion dollar industry today. The success of many businesses depend upon the efficient utilisation of mobile phone services. In fact, there is a large number of people who cannot spend a single day without using a mobile phone.

Mobile phones keep one in touch with her or his near and dear ones at all times. These devices come quite handy in an emergency situation. One can always inform about his emergency to the police, family members or his friends with the help of a cell phone. Most high end mobile phones these days come equipped with a video camera and a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. A GPS receiver helps in locating the exact position of the mobile phone user.

Retailers across the UK are offering attractive free gifts with branded mobile phones to the consumers to increase their usage. These free gifts could include goodies like free talk time, free text messages and subsidised call rates. Some of them will also give consumers costly gifts like a Nintendo Wii or Sony PlayStation gaming console when one purchases a high end mobile phone from them. Many retailers also give cash back offers on some selected handsets. Still others will insure the user's handset for free for a limited period of time. Some may even offer a free handset as a gift to the users.

The free gifts with mobile phones are a relatively new trend. The manufactures offer free gifts to the users with cell phones to increase the sale of their devices. UK based mobile network service providers like Orange, Virgin and Vodafone have come up with many innovative mobile phone deals. Such deals help these network service providers to increase their subscription base.

Free gifts with mobile phones have become so popular that people always look for them before purchasing a new handset. World's leading manufacturers of mobile phones like Nokia, Samsung and Sony Ericsson have come up with many new models of cell phones in past few years. Some of the highly capable handsets launched by these manufacturers during past few years include Sony Ericsson W850i, Nokia 8800 Sapphire Arte and Samsung U100. Retailers in the UK are offering free gifts like Apple iPod, laptops and XBox 360 Elite gaming console with these handsets.

One may also opt to purchase a Contract Mobile phone or a Pay As You Go Mobile phone. These handsets come with attractive mobile phone deals. One may get a lot of incentives under these deals. One may also search the internet to know more about the free gifts offered by various online retailers in the UK. 12 months free line rental is the latest deal that is gaining popularity among the people in the UK. In fact, a large number of people these days purchase only that handset which is offered with some free gift

Article Source: EzineArticle


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